
All about EMOP Luxembourg 2015

Be informed about the ongoing exhibitions of the European Month of Photography in Luxembourg. Until End of May for most exhibitions; some until July and even September.

The European Month of Photography in Luxembourg had its official opening on April 22 and April 25 with five major venues. On April 22, the EUROPEAN MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY ARENDT AWARD was awarded to Tatiana Lecomte the winner of the short list (Marcell Esterházy, Tatiana Lecomte, Andreas Mühe, Borut Peterlin, Lina Scheynius). On April 23nd, MNHA (Musée national d’Histoire et d’Art) went public with a major exhibition ( 9 artists from the Memory Lab selection, Antoine d’Agata, Bettina Rheims, Silvio Galassi, Andreas Mühe, Vee Speers, Adrien Pezennec, Lina Scheynius, Erwin Olaf, Gábor Gerhes); Cercle Cité on 24th – the most central location possible – with works by Attila Floszman, Tatiana Lecomte, Henning Rogge, Tania Boukal, Sarah Schoenfeld, and Jonathan Olley.
Casino Forum d’Art contemporain hosts three videos of Aura Rosenberg, Adrian Paci and Vladimir Nikolic (venue on April 24th ). Mudam (Musée d’Art moderne) on Kirchberg opened exceptionnaly early on March 7th because of a tight schedule (Luxembourg is hosting the European Presidency in summer) with works of Broomberg & Chanarin, Gabor Osz, Tatiana Lecomte, David Birkin and Antony Cairns. All venues are variations on the common topic of “Memory Lab – Photography Challenges History” curated by the eight EMoP members. See full programm.