
[lang_en]New corporate identity adopted[lang_fr]Nouvelle identité pour EMoP asbl

Lors de notre dernière rencontre avec nos partenaires du groupe EMoP ( European Month of Photography ) la semaine dernière à Bratislava à la Maison de la photographie de l’Europe centrale, la recherche d’une meilleure harmonisation des stratégies de communication des villes organisant un festival photo était à l’ordre du jour. Les propositions faites par le bureau Naroska Design ont été adoptées par l’ensemble des villes. Ainsi, dès septembre Berlin, Bratislav...

EMoP presence at Vienna PhotoBook Festival

EMoP is showing up the the ViennaPhotoBookFestival 2015. The ViennaPhotoBookFestival is Europe’s largest festival focusing on the photo book, initiated by Anzenberger Gallery and OstLicht. Gallery for Photography. It takes place for the third time this year, on June 20 and 21, 2015 at Brotfabrik Wien. Due to the festival’s cooperation with Superar and Photon Gallery, more than 1,000 m² will be available for the 80 participating international booksellers. A high-caliber program of lectures, talks and discussions has again this year first-hand information about photobook. For the third edition of the festival succeeded in one of the most important protagonists of the photo book scene, the American star photographer William Klein to get the first time to give a lecture in Vienna.

Athens photo festival opening

The main programme of the Athens Photo Festival 2015 will take place from June 3d through July 26th 2015 at the Benaki Museum, featuring 78 established and emerging artists from 25 countries. The 2015 festival theme under the on the interconnections between collective and individual memory, time and perception, exploring the relationship between past and present, both experimental and mainstream. Memory Lab: Photography challenges history is part of the program. During the festival, the Emop meeting was h...

Openings in Luxembourg

Near all members of the Emop network showed up in Luxembourg during the opening week from April 22 to 25th.( see all venues ) On this picture, the group visits the Mudam exhibition of Memory Lab: photography challenges History part one. On this picture Christophe Gallois of mudam ( left ) gives some explanations to group members and invited artists.Thomas Licek from Vienna takes some pictures in the background, former MEP Paris representative Barbara Wollfer, Adrian Paci, Musa Vienna curator Gunda Achlei...

All about EMOP Luxembourg 2015

Be informed about the ongoing exhibitions of the European Month of Photography in Luxembourg. Until End of May for most exhibitions; some until July and even September.

The European Month of Photography in Luxembourg had its official opening on April 22 and April 25 with five major venues. On April 22, the EUROPEAN MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY ARENDT AWARD was awarded to Tatiana Lecomte the winner of the short list (Marcell Esterházy, Tatiana Lecomte, Andreas Mühe, Borut Peterlin, Lina Scheynius). On April 23nd, MNHA (Musée national d’Histoire et d’Art) went public with a major exhibition ( 9 artists from the Memory Lab selection, Antoine d’Agata, Bettina Rheims, Silvio Galassi, Andreas Mühe, Vee Speers, Adrien Pezennec, Lina Scheynius, Erwin Olaf, Gábor Gerhes); Cercle Cité on 24th – the most central location possible – with works by Attila Floszman, Tatiana Lecomte, Henning Rogge, Tania Boukal, Sarah Schoenfeld, and Jonathan Olley.

portfolio review – luxembourg 2015

Révélation(s) – Portfolio plateforme – Luxembourg 2015 est un événement où artistes émergents et experts de photographie contemporaine se rencontrent. Créé par Café-Crème Asbl et l’Université du Luxembourg dans le cadre du Mois européen de la Photographie au Luxembourg 2015, la première édition a opté pour une sélection restreinte d’artistes-photographes qui pourront présenter leur travail.
Le groupe des experts est composé de Thomas Licek, directeur de Eyes On et ...