
European Month of Photography Arendt Award

The EMOP Arendt Award 2023 was given to the artist Jojo Gronostay in Luxembourg.  The works of Jojo Gronostay as well as those of the other nominated artists Cihan Cakmak, Ulla Deventer, Lívia Melzi, Karolina Wojtas,   were part of the show at Arendt, the headquarters of law firm Arendt & Medernach and at other locations in the city in the framework of the Mois Européen de la Photographie Luxembourg.


Arendt Award 2023

After Rethinking Nature (2021) and Rethinking Identity ( 2023 ) the curatorial team of EMOP chose the theme of Rethinking Photography for 2025 in order to show the importance of this current topic in the context of contemporary photography. More than ever, the role of photography in the media and its dissemination in social networks questions its very identity..
The EMOP Arendt Award is a prestigious award created in 2013 for emerging visual artists with strong artistic skills and a developing photograp...

Arendt Award 2021

The EMOP Arendt Award 2021, endowed with 6,000 euros, was given to the Swedish artist duo Inka&Niklas in Luxembourg.  The works of Inka & Niclas as well as those of the other nominated artists, Vanja Bucan (Nova Goricia/Berlin), Maria Magdalena Ianchis (Cluj/Vienna), Anastasia Mityukova (Geneva) and Danila Tkachenko (Moscow) were part of the show at Arendt, the headquarters of law firm Arendt & Medernach and at other locations in the city in the framework of the Mois Européen de la Photograp...



Under the title “Rethinking Nature/Rethinking Landscape” the curators of the European Month of Photography network focus on the representation of nature in contemporary photography.
Exhibition projects in relation to this theme will be exhibited during the photo Festivals EMOPLUX (Luxembourg), CIRCULATION(S) (Paris) and IMAGO LISBOA (Lisbon) in 2021 and at FOTO WIEN (Vienna) in March 2022.
From about 40 artistic positions, proposed and reviewed by t...

Rethinking Nature/Rethinking Landscape

Rethinking Nature/Rethinking Landscape is the new theme of the EMOP network. The curators of the participating photo festivals  are currently reviewing works by emerging European photographers. The five nominated artists for the EMOP Arendt Award will be announced in October 2020.


(c) Samuel Gratacap, courtesy galerie Les filles du calvaire

EMOP Arendt Award 2017

The nominees for the European Month of Photography Arendt 2017 award are: Samuel Gratacap, Jure Kastelic, Daniel Mayrit, Aida Silvestri, Panos Tsagaris.

The winner 2017 is Samuel Gratacap who was rewarded with 6000. euros and some of his works entering the collection of the Law firm.

Arendt & Medernach is an independent law firm based in Luxembourg, with offices in Dubai, Hong Kong, London, Moscow, New York, and Paris. Arendt & Medernach is committed to contemporary art (Steichen Award for the MUDAM) and especially photography (support of Café-Crème asbl). Faithful to its passion, the law firm Arendt & Medernach wishes to encourage openness, diversity and the sharing of emotions. Since 2013, Arendt & Medernach has been affiliated with the European Photography Month through the sponsorship of the EMOP Arendt Award, which offers a platform to five pre-selected emerging artists chosen from the pool of artists invited to the exhibitions of the European EMOP network. By rewarding young laureates and participating in EMOP exhibitions, Arendt & Medernach supports the art of photography and thus seeks to awaken curiosity and the willingness to exchange.


Tatiana Lecomte, B&B

AWARD WINNER 2014 / 2015

The EMoP Arendt Award 2015 was handed over in the offices of the law firm in Luxembourg on April 22, 2015 to the winner Tatiana Lecomte out of the following short list: Marcell Esterházy, Tatiana Lecomte, Andreas Muehe, Borut Peterlin, Lina Scheynius


Out of a long list of 26 artists, nominated by the curators of EMOP in the framework of distURBANces (the common project of the seven cities of the network), Dionisio Gonzalez has been selected by an international jury composed by Gunda Achleitner, curator; Municipal Department for Cultural Affairs of the City of Vienna; Paul di Felice, curator, coordinator of EMOP Luxembourg; Katia Reich, curator EMOP Berlin; Oliva Maria Rubio, Director La Fabrica, Madrid; Jean-Luc Soret, curator Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris.


Tuomo Rainio


The Alcatel Lucent award 2008 was given to Tuomo Rainio, born in Espoo (Finland) in 1983, lives and works in Helsinki.
2003-2006 Bachelor of Arts at the University of Art and Design Helsinki.
Since 2006 MA Program for Photography at the University of Art and Design Helsinki.
2007-2008 Department of Imaging Arts and Photography at the Musashino Art University, Tokyo.


Philippe Ramette


The Alcatel award has been given to Philippe Ramette represented by Galerie Xippas ( Paris )
Philippe Ramette is French born artist working and living in Paris. More a visual artist and scuptor than photographer he invents and builds absurd objects that he uses to stage his photographs. None of his pictures are manipulated or photoshopped. Dresses in his perfect black suit he is a quiet but troubling observer of our world .
